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Saturday, October 22, 2005

First Week

I know lots of you were probably expecting a "First day at work" post, or maybe a "Second day at work" post. Sorry to disappoint you. You'll have to settle for a "First Week" post instead. I had some free time on Tuesday morning and I had perfect intentions of doing my "First day at work" post, only to go to blogger.com and get an "Access Denied" screen. CRAP. Then I tried to go directly to my blog, only to be denied again. On the Access Denied screen, it also said that all message boards and online clubs were blocked. DOUBLE CRAP.

I then went to check out my fantasy sports page and see how my fantasy football teams fared over the weekend. Once again, Access Denied. TRIPLE CRAP. This time, it said that games and fantasy sports were blocked. In just a few short minutes, I realized that I wasn't in Kansas anymore. If blog browsing, message board browsing, and fantasy sports were all blocked, then I guess that meant that I would be working a little bit harder than I had at my previous job.

Besides the blocked internet content, the new job is awesome. The people are great, and the atmosphere is wonderful. I am in the research and analysis department, and my job title is Forecast Analyst. And no, I'm not forecasting the weather. I'll be analyzing sales forecasts for my company and will help determine how much of our products will be shipped to the stores that sell our products.

Once again, I am in a cube. I was hoping for a step-up at the new job, and thought I might get my own office with a door and everything. But I'm in a cube again. It is a much nicer cube though, so I guess that will have to do. My department is located right on the edge of the main entrance and lobby. There is a stream that runs through the lobby, with water trickling down the rocks and everything. I had to pee several times throughout the week. They say you get used to it after a couple of weeks though. The ceiling is full of skylights, and the sun shines directly into my eyes for about an hour every day. This is good though. I like seeing blue sky above me. The roof is shaped like a funnel in a couple of places. When it rains, water gushes down the funnel and through a hole and into the stream below. I haven't seen this yet, but I'm looking forward to the first big rain.

I also get free milk anytime I want. It's a very weird perq, but one that I enjoy. They have 2%, skim, and chocolate, and it is served fountain style in the canteens. After the first week, I'm averaging one glass of 2% and two glasses of chocolate a day.

Like I said, the job is great. But the best part is being back home. I didn't realize how much I missed it. Every evening after work, I head straight to our new house and get started on my second job. With help from family and friends, I have gotten the wallpaper stripped from both the dining room and kitchen. The baby's room has also been painted, thanks to help from Derick and Jeff. So my first week of working on the house has been productive. I'm staying with my parents through the week, since we haven't moved into the house yet. That's been a bit weird too, but in a good sort of way.

I just found out that blogger has a feature where you can post to your blog by sending an email to an address, which in-turn will publish to your blog. So since I can't browse blogs at work, at least I'll still be able to keep posting to my own.


At 11:35 AM, Blogger Jason said...

Crap. I was hoping I wouldn't get these spam comments. I've had to delete a few. Sorry to have to do this, but I'm gonna add the comment verification thingie.

At 10:11 AM, Blogger Karyn said...

I see you're drinking 2%, is that cause you think you're fat? 'Cause you're not. You could drink whole if you wanted to.


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